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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: What is online Continuing Nursing Education?
The Online Continuing Nursing Education helps the nurses to keep up to date with new concepts and development in the healthcare field, increase their functional knowledge and skills.

Q2: How many credit points are allotted for each module?
The credit points are allocated by the State Nursing Council for each module separately. To know the status of approval and credit points, register with us in or mail us for more info to

Q3: Who are eligible to take online CNE?
Nurses registered with any state nursing council and where the Impetus Healthcare Skills online CNE program is approved by the concern state nursing council are eligible for the online CNE.

Q4: Whether my State Nursing Council has recognized Impetus onlineCNE program?
The list of State Councilsthat have recognized Impetus online CNE program are listed in the home page of CNE –

Q5: How many CNE modules can I take?
The number of CNE modules allowed per nurse depends on the State Nursing Council and the number of credit points required for renewal of nursing license.

Q6: What should I do, if I forget my User Id and password?
The username will be your personal email id. If you forget your password, click on ‘forget password’, and an email on change of password will be sent to your registered email Id. Click on the link and generate your new password.

Q7: What is the next action if I don’t get the get required pass percentage in the first attempt? Answer: If you have not obtained the required score for credit points, you can take one more attempt additionally, without any extra cost.

Q8: How will I receive my Continuing Nursing Education certificate?
On successful completion of the final exam, you can download the CNE certificate instantly from the result page and a copy of your certificate will be mailed to you.

Q9: What is the validity period of each online CNE module?
The validity period of online CNE module is 60 days from the date of purchase of the module.

Q10: Is there any possibility of extending the validity period?
Usually ‘NO’ but if, in case of any technical issues in accessing the website the validity period will be extended proportionately

Q11: What should I do if my online final exam is interrupted in between?
If final the exam is interrupted by issues of electricity, internet connectivity or any other issues, you need to take a fresh exam again.

Q12: How do I to get my credit points in the nursing renewal license book?
We will update / share the credit points of nurses to respective state nursing council with the following details; Name, RN / RM number, name of the modules completed, credit points obtained and date of completion.

Q13: Is there a possibility to change my module after payment?
Usually 'NO' if the module is chosen mistakenly after successful completion and obtaining of credit points, Impetus will consider the change of module.

Q14: When will I get my access to online CNE module after payment?
If payment is made online, you will get an instant access. If payment is made by POS machine or DD, it may take seven (7) working days to get activated.

About Impetus Healthcare Skills

Impetus Healthcare Skills Private Limited (IHS) is an education, training and research organization that focuses on strengthening the healthcare delivery system by emphasizing the importance of skilled Human Resource for Health(HRH).

Contact Us

+91-94452 56977
+91-94452 96977
+91-93635 85664
+91-90190 51277



Impetus HealthCare Skills Private Limited
1/23, Somasundaram Avenue,
Porur, Chennai - 600116
Tamil Nadu, India.
